octobre 15, 2022 0 Commentaires

The studio ORANGE (Beastars, Era of Crystals) has revealed the second trailer of its anime Trigun Stampede!Trigun Stampede

The anime series Trigun Stampede is scheduled for January 2023 in Japan & usa (streaming crunchyroll). It is a free adaptation from the manga Trigun Maximum.

  • Genre: Seinen, Action, Comedy/S-F

Synopsis of the anime Trigun Stampede:

On a desert planet, everyone is hunting down the man who was worth 60 billion double dollars: Vash the Stampede.

According to the rumors, each city where he goes is completely destroyed without leaving any witnesses...

Promotion Vidéo 2 of Trigun Stampede anime :

Promotion Vidéo of Trigun

Stampede Anime:

The manga Trigun Maximum by Nightow Yasuhiro started in 1997 with Shonen Gahosha editions and counts a total of 14 volumes bound in Japan.

Staff Animation :

Mangaka : Nightow Yasuhiro
Studio : Orange
Director : Kenji Mutou
Writers: Tatsuro Inamoto, Shin Okashima (Gaikotsu Shotenin Honda-san) & Yoshihisa Ueda
Character Design: Nao Otsu (Beastars saga, Heion Sedai no Idaten-tachi)
Animation Manager: Nao Otsu (Heion Sedai no Idaten-tachi)